DeepPavlov Dream

We are super excited to launch DeepPavlov Dream, a demo of experimental open domain socialbot. Built with DP Agent framework it is our next step towards an open-source Conversational AI Operating System. Now, Dream is available for chat, and in the coming months we will release code for its NLP models and skills. Talk with Dream and leave your feedback, let’s push AI technology together.
Read more at the DeepPavlov blog.

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At the beginning of September, we have launched a public demo of our AI Assistant called Dream, built on top of our original AlexaPrize 2019 DREAM Socialbot. Today, we’re sad to announce what we had to disable this public demo because we are participating in Alexa Prize 2020 challenge and can’t keep the same bot running both publicly.

But at the same time, we’re thrilled to announce a new public demo and repo - Deepy 3000 as the simple Multiskill AI Assistant with just two skills (goal-oriented one, written using our Go-Bot framework, and a chit-chat one, written using AIML), and a few annotators.

Learn more about the possibilities and distributions of Deepy in our new article at DeepPavlov blog.