Hello, I would like to obtain a JSON file for transliterating Russian names written in English translit. For example, Ilya to Илья. I don’t have enough experience in ML, and ChatGPT advised me to use your product. However, I can’t seem to find the file translate_en_ru_translit.json
on either your GitHub repository or your official website. Can you assist me with this?
Hey @Klaksoyni, Thank you very much for your interest!
It seems like ChatGPT sometimes provides good advices
Let’s get back to your question, I am not familiar with the one-step solution to your question.
However, on the Internet you can find a bunch of sources with Russian names transliteration (here).
In case, when you cannot find a corresponding Russian name, you can always transliterate it in Cyrillic letter and find the closest name from the list in accordance to the Levenshtein distance.
Please let me know if you need further assistance.
Спасибо, @Vasily ! Я так и предположил, что ChatGPT выдал мне не совсем точный ответ, судя по всему, простым решением тут не обойтись, но все же, большое вам спасибо за ответ!