An agent to select Rasa skills

Hello everyone,

while I think this is a super promising project I also think it lacks documentation details.

I’d like to have an agent selecting from multiple Rasa skills. Say I have three Rasa skills (which are essentially three Rasa bots, greet bot, appointment scheduler bot and weather bot). Would it be possible to connect these three bots to a DeepPavlov Agent? How can I connect three different models to one agent?

I installed deeppavlov and deeppavlov agent through pip as instructed and in that version doesn’t exist. Then I installed deeppavlov through git and while already exists I don’t know which version of Rasa I’m supposed to install for it to work.

Can you help me?
Thanks in advance,

Hi Martasls,

Thank you very much for reaching out!

Short story is, while it can be possible to integrate any existing system as a skill into the DP Agent, it requires supporting required interfaces for Skills.

Long story is, we’d be thrilled to learn more about the target scenario where orchestration of the multiple RASA-based bots is needed. Would you be interested in having a Zoom call w/ us?

Best Regards,
Product Manager @

Maybe a little bit late, but what is the problem to do it through skill selector? If skill selector knows context and knows how to choose appropriate skill (Rasa or any other) it just needs to return right skill to choose and everything should work through configuration.

No problem with Skill Selector, indeed.